After eight challenging months, we are pleased to report that our Palestinian and Israeli staff will have the opportunity to meet in person for the first time at the end of this month.

This retreat, held in a neutral location, will help our teams process recent hardships and recharge for the crucial work ahead.

For the last 8 months, our Palestinian and Israeli teams have faced immense challenges. Like others in the region, they’ve experienced death, devastation, sirens, threats, violence, movement restrictions, night raids, loss, and deep trauma.

Through it all, our team has been working nonstop to support Israelis and Palestinians with alternatives to war, violence, and death.

We still need to raise $25,000 to make this retreat happen. Will you help us?

Who Are We Helping?

These are Israeli and Palestinian peacemakers who are members of the Parents Circle. Many have lost their loved ones to the conflict and all have continued to work tirelessly in their commitment to fostering peace amidst adversity.

How You Can Help

Your contribution today will ensure that our peacemakers can have the opportunity to meet together for the first time since the events of October 7, 2023 and the ensuing violence.

The retreat will include:

    • Group processing
    • Mental health services
    • Strategic planning for community building
    • Team building

Donate now

To donate by check, please mail to:

American Friends of the Parents Circle
2248 Broadway #1531
New York, NY 10024

To donate by check, please mail to:

American Friends of the Parents Circle
2248 Broadway #1531
New York, NY 10024

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