When I went on break from The Band’s Visit to return to filming the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, I made a donation to the Parents Circle in honor of my incredible castmates. I wanted them to know more about the powerful work that the Parents Circle is doing to foster dialogue and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. That work is why I support the Parents Circle and why I’m asking for your support as well.
Every member of the Parents Circle has had a loved one killed in the conflict. I recently had the opportunity to meet two bereaved members of the Parents Circle: a Palestinian and an Israeli. Instead of being swept up in pain and hate, they chose a different and difficult path. I was inspired by their stories and their choice of reconciliation rather than revenge. They also talked about the extraordinary programs conducted by the more than 600 families and 18 person staff of the Parents Circle to spread their message of peace.
I support the Parents Circle because it addresses the human side of the conflict. It gives those who have suffered the most grievous of losses the opportunity to share their narratives, the universality of their grief, and the need to have the killings stop. The organization’s commitment to mutual respect and deep listening ultimately leads to understanding on both sides of this conflict. They are opening minds that were historically closed. And this is an important ingredient to any sustained peace. I can’t think of any group that speaks more credibly about love over hate. And that fact, perhaps, more than any other, is why Parents Circle so richly deserves our help.
I ask you to make a gift of hope for both Palestinians and Israelis. Your donation will help the Parents Circle’s reconciliation programs make real change and help prepare this troubled ground for the end of the senseless killings.
In peace,
Tony Shalhoub