
On Friday, Dec 14th, the Parents Circle’s alumni conference will be held on the subject of human rights.
The first part of the conference will feature a panel on human rights and activism, with the participation of representatives from various Israeli and Palestinian human rights organizations.
Our Alumni will then take to the streets along with our partner peace organizations and the general public in Rabin Square to shout the Arabic word “hallas,” (“Enough”), to show our leaders that they have had enough with the bloodshed, enough with the violence and enough with the occupation. Join us in shouting enough!
#2: Joint Language Lessons

Our bereaved members, alumni and PNE participants are learning in formal Hebrew and Arabic classes together, to help them participate in programs and communicate together. We see these activities as very important, as language is one of the main tools for dialogue between the two groups.
#3: Women's Narrative Group Trip to Jaffa

A cohort of women who recently completed the Parallel Narrative Experience this year organized a tour in the Jaffa area on their own. The Israeli women hosted the Palestinian women.
One of the Palestinian participants was born on Salame in Tel Aviv in 1948, and the trip gave her the chance to visit where she grew up and share her memories with her Israeli and Palestinian peers. She had not been back there since she was 7.
#4: Young Ambassadors for Peace Photo Exhibit

Thank you for helping us make all of these amazing projects and activities possible.