We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Chanukah with a promise of light! Together, we can continue in the new year to spread peace and to change minds, one heart at a time.
Why do we call each other “brother”?
My name is Arab Aramin. I am Palestinian, 22 years old. And my name is Yigal Elhanan. I am Israeli, 24 years old. We should hate each other. But instead, we call each other brother. Why? We both have lost our sisters in the bloody and violent conflict. We are united in our shared vision: no … Continue reading Why do we call each other “brother”?
A Thanksgiving Message from Tal and Ibrahim
“My name is Ibrahim Shatat. I’m 25 years old, and from Beit Jala, Palestine. My sister, Irene, was 12 years old when she had an accident. She was hit by a car. And because we live in an occupied country, the Israeli army had closed the streets so cars could not get through. The army did … Continue reading A Thanksgiving Message from Tal and Ibrahim
Young Ambassadors for Peace
Na’ama Roth, 25, is Israeli. She lost her uncle, Udi, when he was kidnapped and killed by Hamas in 1993. Na’ama’s father joined the Parents Circle to seek reconciliation and a just end to the conflict. “My father promised himself and his children to try to do everything he can,” Na’ama says, “so that this tragedy would not … Continue reading Young Ambassadors for Peace
PCFF Members to speak at locations in OH, IN and more
We are excited to announce that 3 of the Parents Circle’s members– Rami Elhanan (the new Israeli General Director of the Parents Circle), and George and Najwa Sa’adeh– will be speaking at churches, synagogues, and elsewhere in the Midwest in October and November 2016. Plymouth Congregational Church UCC (Fort Wayne, IN) “Israeli and Palestinian Parents … Continue reading PCFF Members to speak at locations in OH, IN and more
We made our goal!
We made our goal! The Parents Circle’s Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign, If They Can Choose Peace…Anyone Can, is at 102%! Thanks to your generosity, we raised $15,276 to support our outreach team and to help bereaved Israelis and Palestinians become peace advocates within their communities. The funds you helped us raise will be used to support … Continue reading We made our goal!
We’re at 95% of our fundraising goal!
We are at 95% of our Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign to support the Parents Circle in engaging bereaved Israelis and Palestinians who have not yet joined the organization and provide them with training to become advocates for peace. Please help us raise the final $752 to reach our goal! Make a donation now. We are introducing a Bird of Reconciliation Watch as a special offer … Continue reading We’re at 95% of our fundraising goal!
The Parents Circle needs your help!
This week, we launched our Indiegogo campaign, If They Can Choose Peace…Anyone Can, to raise $15,000 to support the Parents Circle in engaging bereaved Israelis and Palestinians who have not yet joined the organization and provide them with training to become advocates for peace. We’re almost there — we’re at 75% of our goal! We have received a generous matching gift from the Source … Continue reading The Parents Circle needs your help!
If They Can Choose Peace…Anyone Can
We are excited to launch our 2016 Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign to raise $15,000 so that we can connect and engage with bereaved Israelis and Palestinians who have not yet joined our organization, provide them with Parents Circle program scholarships and encourage them to join us in using their stories of loss to inspire hope and reconciliation. … Continue reading If They Can Choose Peace…Anyone Can
Reconciliation Defeats Revenge
While watching the bereaved African-American mothers on the stage at the Democratic Convention, I thought just how much we mothers, who have lost children, have in common, regardless of color, creed or national identity. I thought that all bereaved mothers in the world should rise up together and say, “Enough! Stop the killing. Let our … Continue reading Reconciliation Defeats Revenge