What’s New

Webinar: 200 Israeli and Palestinian Peace Activists Launch 2-Year Solidarity Plan

Webinar Parents Circle Families Forum invites you to join us for a unique webinar: 200 Israeli and Palestinian Peace Activists Launch 2-Year Solidarity Plan Tuesday, September 19 at 2:00pm EST Register here Israeli and Palestinian activists will share their  2-year plan launched this month to promote solidarity and non-violence as a means towards ending the occupation and … Continue reading Webinar: 200 Israeli and Palestinian Peace Activists Launch 2-Year Solidarity Plan

A Palestinian Flag at Jewish Camps: No Need for Apologies

By Shiri Ourian, Executive Director, American Friends of the Parents Circle   Last week, while Camp Solomon Schechter, a Jewish summer camp outside of Seattle, hosted Palestinian and Israeli youth from Kids4Peace to engage in dialogue and shared learning, another summer camp took place in Israel with bereaved and non-bereaved Israeli and Palestinian youth who also engaged … Continue reading A Palestinian Flag at Jewish Camps: No Need for Apologies

Parents Circle Members Visiting New York

There is still availability for speaking engagements in the New York City area from September 20-30, 2017. E-mail us today to bring two speakers to your community to share their narratives and messages of reconciliation.

Amidst Tensions, Our Work Carries On

  Despite the growing tensions and violence in Jerusalem and the region these past two weeks, our Youth Summer Program has started this week. Our Indiegogo campaign to support the program has reached its goal. Thanks to many of you, 40 Israeli and Palestinian youth are spending the week learning about each other’s narratives, about empathy and reconciliation, … Continue reading Amidst Tensions, Our Work Carries On

We made our goal!

We made our goal! The Israeli and Palestinian Youth Summer Program is now 127% funded. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the campaign and who helped spread the word, we are now able to send 34 participants to the joint Israeli and Palestinian Youth Summer Program. Our work doesn’t end here. We can still bring more Israeli and Palestinian … Continue reading We made our goal!

Only 13 days left to support our Youth Summer Program!

“They’re people, not just a ‘side.’ I met new people, so I learned new things.” –2016 Summer Program Participant Our Israeli and Palestinian Youth Summer Program starts in 13 days! We still need to raise $12,000 to provide support for 8 more Israeli and Palestinian youth to attend. Donate now! Our program provides a rare and vital opportunity for young … Continue reading Only 13 days left to support our Youth Summer Program!