Live Streaming Discussion with Bereaved Palestinian & Israeli Fathers

Bassam Aramin and Rami Elhanan, Jerusalemites and bereaved Palestinian and Israeli fathers and members of the Parents Circle – Families Forum (PCFF) spoke at an online live streaming event. They spoke of their choice, as bereaved fathers, to work together for peace and reconciliation, and about the current atmosphere of violence, fear, and unrest in the region … Continue reading Live Streaming Discussion with Bereaved Palestinian & Israeli Fathers

In Grief, a Growing Partnership

NPR’s Michel Martin interviews Robi Damelin and Bassam Aramin about the recent wave of violence and unrest in the region, and how the Parents Circle continues to pursue peace.

United by Loss, Israeli & Palestinian Dads Call for a Joint Nonviolent Intifada Against Occupation | Democracy Now!

As protests grow in the West Bank over the death of a Palestinian inside an Israeli prison, we speak to a pair of Israeli and Palestinian fathers who’ve responded to personal tragedies with activism for peace. Bassam Aramin and Rami Elhanan united after the killings of their daughters — Aramin’s at the hands of an … Continue reading United by Loss, Israeli & Palestinian Dads Call for a Joint Nonviolent Intifada Against Occupation | Democracy Now!

UN honours two activists for their work promoting tolerance and non-violence | UN News

An Afghan women’s rights campaigner and a Palestinian peace activist are the winners of a United Nations award recognizing their outstanding contributions to the promotion of tolerance and non-violence, the UN announced today. Mr. Awwad will receive recognition for his work as a peace activist and leader in the reconciliation process between Palestinians and Israelis. … Continue reading UN honours two activists for their work promoting tolerance and non-violence | UN News