How I sleep better at night

Dear Friends, It isn’t hard to find worthy causes in a world as broken as ours. The greater challenge, at least for me, is to decide which of the many worthy causes I dare adopt as my own. My resources are limited; the challenges seem infinite. I was first drawn to the Parents Circle (PCFF) … Continue reading How I sleep better at night

We’re seeing the impact of the Jerusalem announcement on the ground

We’re already seeing the impact of the Trump-administration’s announcement on Jerusalem on our activities. We’ve had to cancel activities like a joint Israeli and Palestinian group visit to Yad Vashem for safety concerns and just yesterday, a group of emboldened, Israeli parents forced the cancellation of Parents Circle’s Dialogue Meeting in an Israeli high school where we have been speaking for … Continue reading We’re seeing the impact of the Jerusalem announcement on the ground

AF-PCFF Statement on Jerusalem

Dec. 6, 2017 American Friends of the Parents Circle – Families Forum, in the name of 600 Israeli and Palestinian families who have all lost children, sisters, brothers, parents, husbands and wives to a conflict which should have ended long ago, strongly opposes President Trump’s unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital today and the … Continue reading AF-PCFF Statement on Jerusalem

“I felt, at that time, that my life had come to an end”

Meet Anat Marnin and Bushra Awwad, bereaved members of the Parents Circle and facilitators in our Parallel Narrative Project (PNE). As facilitators, Anat and Bushra help train program alumni, who go on to become peace leaders, solidarity activists, and agents of change. Learn more about the Israeli and Palestinian Alumni for Solidarity Project and how you can help! … Continue reading “I felt, at that time, that my life had come to an end”

“What do I care about your daughter that you lost 20 years ago? I am suffering today!”

Clapping with One Hand by Rami Elhanan, Israeli co-Director, Parents Circle – Families Forum The driver was late yet again and at the entrance to Ibn Rushd High School in the Palestinian village of Tsur Baher, on the outskirts of East Jerusalem, they were waiting for us with anticipation in their eyes. An older guard … Continue reading “What do I care about your daughter that you lost 20 years ago? I am suffering today!”

I’m proud to be an Israeli and Palestinian Solidarity Activist

Meet Rasha and Arnon, one of 800 Israeli and Palestinian alumni who are part of our Alumni Solidarity Project. Israeli and Palestinian Graduates of the Parallel Narrative Experience (PNE) program like Arnon and Rasha learn to become agents of change and advocates for solidarity and peace. We’ve committed to raising $65,000 by the end of 2017 to support this program to train and … Continue reading I’m proud to be an Israeli and Palestinian Solidarity Activist